Figuratively Speaking,
Tolarno Galleries, Melbourne 
3 Sep – 3 Oct 2015

Untitled, 2014/2015
Oil on linen
162 x 182 cm

Untitled, 2014/2015
Oil on linen
182 x 162 cm

Untitled, 2014/2015
Oil on linen
182 x 162 cm

Untitled, 2014/2015
Oil on linen
162 x 182 cm

Untitled, 2013/2014/2015
Oil on linen
162 x 182 cm

Untitled, 2014/2015
Raku, terracotta, stoneware, slip and glaze
51 x 23 x 20 cm

Untitled, 2013/2014
Stoneware, raku, slip and glaze
Variable dimensions

Untitled, 2014
Terracotta, stoneware, slip and glaze
58 x 36 x 22 cm

Untitled, 2013/2014Raku, terracotta, slip and glaze
30 x 33 x 18 cm

Untitled, 2014/2015
Raku, terracotta, stoneware, slip and glaze
39 x 27 x 23 cm

Untitled, 2014
toneware, raku, terracotta, slip and glaze
51 x 23 x 20 cm

Untitled, 2014/2015
Raku, slip and glaze
46 x 34 x 20 cm

Untitled, 2014
Stoneware, raku, terracotta, slip and glaze
51 x 23 x 20 cm

Untitled, 2014/2015
Raku, terracotta, stoneware, slip and glaze
51 x 23 x 20 cm

Untitled, 2014/2015
Raku, terracotta, stoneware, slip and glaze
51 x 23 x 20 cm

Untitled, 2013/14
Terracotta, stoneware, slip and glaze
42 x 26 x 23cm

© Brendan Huntley 2024